welcome back to love thursday

These are Alex's "magic rocks."  I purchased them from McCabe (otherwise known as the Dancing Mermaid) about a year ago, from her "Rock of the Month Club" -- every month in 2008, a custom rock appeared in a package addressed to Alex, which she received with glee:  and they became great reading tools, as I helped her sound out the words on each rock.  I'll be getting them again for her in 2009.  If you're interested in your own monthly "magic rocks," sent to you or directly to someone you love, you can get them here.

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Some of you who have following me for a while might remember "Love Thursday" from back in the day -- and some of you who have been following the posts at Shutter Sisters know that the fun continued over there. 

Well, Love Thursday is back.  Here's how it works:

A few years ago, I was enthralled by a simple photograph that my friend Irene had posted on her blog -- a simple heart-shaped leaf, with the caption "love is (really) all around, and so the feeling grows."  I noticed that she was right:  images and other signs of love appear everywhere, if only you look.

And so, here on Chookooloonks, I (re)launch a weekly tradition:  on Thursdays, I invite you to share your own links to images or stories of love here in the comments section. I hope you will.  It's wonderful seeing how much love there is in the world.

Song:  All You Need is Love, as performed by the late Lynden David Hall for the movie "Love, Actually"

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