december views, and notes on being a photographer


A few days ago, I was surfing the 'net, hopping from link to link (as you do), and I came across this post from a blog I'd never read before, Hippy Urban Girl.  The post explains her idea called "December views" -- in essence, since December is often a frenetic busy time for most of us as we celebrate, wind down old years and get ready for new ones, she plans to use her blog by limiting its words, and instead expressing herself contemplatively through images, each day of the month.  It is her way of slowing down, and helping her readers slow down as well.

I love this idea, and thought I would participate.  So, with your indulgence, for the rest of the month I'm going to limit my words here -- I'll probably continue to write some, but not a lot -- and try to let my images do most of the talking.  I think it's a great exercise in mindfulness; in addition, it allows me to be more circumspect in choosing the photographs I share with you as well.  The upside is that I'll have a new post here every day this month, including weekends (just as I did last month) -- and I'll also continue to find a song of the day that helps convey my current state of mind.

On a related note:  I also found this fantastic post by Zan of A Cup of Tea & a Wheat Penny, describing the process of choosing "moments" in photography.  I particularly loved this passage:

Before I read the Dyer book, I told Jim that I believe that the difference between a photographer and someone who takes pictures is that a photographer imprints his or her emotion onto the picture itself; something exists in the photo that would not be there if someone else had taken that same photo. Nothing to do with light, or color — but with the way a house in his photographs might appear to be sighing, or a chair frustrated by passers-by in mine.

Yes.  Yes.  This is exactly it.  This is the best description I have ever read of what makes a photographer -- it's not whether someone is a professional or a hobbyist, or if someone is famous and another is completely unknown -- it's all about the imprint. The emotion that is infused into the image.

So for the rest of the month, I'll be working on my imprints.  It'll be like a little visual Advent calendar, I'm thinking, except it'll go through the 31st.  As always, I invite you to keep stopping by and taking a quiet moment along with me.  And of course -- of course --  your commentary is always welcome as we go through the month.

SongJust another story by Jamiroquai

Karen Walrond17 Comments