comparison between the nikon d300 and the nikon d700: can you tell the difference?

Okay, so some of you have asked for a post comparing the Nikon D300 and the Nikon D700.  Let's do this:

The two photos that you see here were taken at the same time of day, at the exact same location, with the same lens (the 50mm 1.4 automatic lens), however one was taken with the Nikon D300 (my camera), and the other was taken with the Nikon D700 (the camera Nikon so graciously lent me).  The photos are straight out of the camera, completely unretouched or Photoshopped, save for resizing for the web.  I shot both images manually, and the ISO, shutter speed and aperture settings were identical.

Can you guess which one was taken with the D300, and which was taken with the D700?  Leave a comment telling me why, and what differences you see, and I'll reveal the answer in Monday's post.

(For the techno-geeks:  here are the specs for the Nikon D300, and here are the specs for the Nikon D700, to help you make a more informed guess.  Also, for what it's worth, the shots were taken at ISO 200, at a shutter speed of 1/100th of a second, with the aperture wide-open at 1.4.)


Update:  For those of you who guessed that the first image up top was shot with the Nikon D300 and the bottom one the Nikon D700, you're right!  The cropping definitely gives it away:  I took the shot the same distance from Alex both times, but because of the full frame of the D700 in the bottom shot, you get more of the image.

As far as detail, I think they're comparable, don't you?  They should be, anyway -- the resolution of the D300 is 12.3 megapixels, and the D700 is 12.1 megapixels, and the shots were taken in natural daylight, so a negligible difference.  What I do hear, however, is that the D700 does a hell of a lot better in low light -- so later this week, I'll try some night shots, and we'll see how it does.

Thanks for participating!

Karen Walrond19 Comments