nablopomo day 18: gratitude & where's walrond? (day 1)

This week was an insanely intense week, with some stresses that came out of nowhere.  Even so, in the end some good news I received yesterday made some of the stress I've been experiencing recently just vanish, like it was never there in the first place (yay!).  And ultimately, there were some real moments of beauty.  So as usual, I'm sharing some of my favourites that I'm so grateful for over at my Babble blog, Bliss Your HeartPlease go take a look.

Speaking of gratitude, I'm also grateful that today, Marcus, Alex and I are taking off:  we're headed out of town for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, praise be.  Since I haven't mentioned this before, I thought we could play another rousing session of "Where's Walrond?"  -- remember we did this when we went to Puerto Rico a little over a year ago?  Here's how it works:

Every day for the next week (until Friday, November 25), I'll post a photo clue about where we're headed.  Each day, the clues will get easier and easier.  The first commenter who correctly guesses the city and country where we are (remember, you have to name both city & country) will win a stack of some of my favourite photographs that I take while we're away.

But that's not all

As it happens, this past week was the one-year anniversary of the publishing date of The Beauty of Different (how time flies, eh?)  So to celebrate, the correct guesser will also win two (count 'em, two!) signed copies the book, inscribed to whoever you'd like.  That's two people you'll be able to cross off of your Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/New Year/Just-Because-You're-Awesome gift list, folks! How about them apples (and oranges)?

The only people who are disqualified are those of you who I know in real life who I've already divulged our vacation location.  Otherwise, tally-ho, the fox, wherever in the world you may be -- you can start guessing today by leaving a comment below, if you think you can figure it out from the image above.  But again, more revealing clues will be coming soon.  I can't wait to see your guesses.

See you from our Undisclosed Location, everyone!


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