nablopomo day 28: the where's walrond reveal

Congratulations to all of you who guessed that we spent last week in Bath, England!  It was a glorious time, and I can't wait to tell you about it.  Right now, however, we've just returned to Houston and I'm jetlagged out the yinyang, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear the story about how we found ourselves on the other side of the pond (as they say) for Thanksgiving.

But I promised I'd announce the winner of the photographs and two signed copies of The Beauty of Different today, so special congrats to Betsy, who was the first to guess we were in Bath on Day 3.  For the record, the hint in that photo was actually the shape of the building in the background -- it's the former Empire Hotel, one of Bath's major landmarks.  The pint of Guinness in the foreground was just to throw you off a bit.  Still, I thought that whole image was a bit obscure, so I'm in awe that Betsy got it right on the first image of our location!

More tomorrow, I promise, friends, with additional photographs from our trip.  Thanks again to everyone who participated -- you made the week extra fun for me and my family, really-really.

Karen Walrond7 Comments