a new (to me) view


Wow -- so wonderful to hear how much you guys are loving the new look! As I mentioned Monday, I'm just so thrilled with how the design turned out.  And to discover that you find the look clean, easily navigable, and not too drastic of a visual change means that the lovely Krystyn achieved exactly what I was hoping for.  So thank you for all your encouragement (I read every single comment yesterday), and crazy thanks to Krystyn (and the rest of the Squarespace team) for all of her (their) hard work. Really, really.​

So now onto a little secret:​

This whole process has wiped me out.  With any major redesign, there's always bugs and twitchy behaviour, and I haven't fought this many fires in a day since I practiced law.  I so appreciate the feedback that everyone gave me (and each of you who gave me feedback, without exception, did so in the kindest, most generous, most patient way possible, and I really, really appreciate your sensitivity.  Rest assured I've forwarded all of your comments to the Squarespace folks); still, after weeks of behind-the-scene work dealing with issues and glitches that arose, I was starting to look and feel like Christopher Lloyd in Roger Rabbit, when his eyes got all crazy (anyone remember that movie? Just me?).  Krystyn always handled everything with her usual calm demeanor, but me?  I've been a mess.

Luckily, I'm married to a good man, and yesterday, realizing that I was ​starting to get caught in the weeds of troubleshooting and fielding issues, wisely suggested that I take a break and join him for an early Valentine's Day lunch away from the computer.  At first, we were at a loss for where to go, since we were both in the mood to try something new; but the awesome Margin Fades quickly suggested Pondicheri on Twitter, and off we went.

Dear God in heaven.  That place is amazing.​

I'll write more about it in a coming post (because I took the Hasselblad with me, and hope to have those images back next week), but let's just say that I may have had the best brunch food of my life there.  ​Also?  The light, people.  Oh, the light -- what a great place to play with my cameras:​


I will dream of that meal for nights to come.​

Anyway, thanks again, friends, for the kind words and encouragement.  And thanks also to Marcus, for reminding me that a change of scenery is almost always a really good idea.​

Update:  Okay, guys, new rule -- if you have any bugs or issues you want to report, please do so either using the contact page, or sending me an email at karen@chookooloonks.com, rather than leaving them in the comments.  Trust me, I'm aware of everything you've mentioned and am forwarding them all on to Squarespace as fast as they're coming in, never fear.  But, I'd like to keep the comments section issue-free for the enjoyment of the many people who are not having any issues with the site.

I hope you understand, and thanks for your continued patience.​

Song:  Criminal by Fiona Apple.  At one point yesterday evening, singing this at the top of my lungs was surprisingly helpful.​