
My word, I'm tired of words.  I don't want to look at another word. I'm overwhelmed by words.  And as for myself, I'm plum out of words.  

So yesterday, because I was stressed and overwhelmed and just worn out, I treated myself to a bouquet of grocery-store flowers, and I dusted off my old, bulky Nikon (I missed you, old friend), and sat with them both in my entry, and was silent.   Except for the clicking of my shutter.  The images in this post are what resulted.  A little respite.


And here's a bonus:  I was looking for a song to feature today, so I googled "the best song for calming."  This came up:  Weightless, by Marconi Union.  According to the British Academy of Sound Therapy, this is the most relaxing song ever recorded.  You can read about it here.

Or, you know, if you're tired of words, simply click here or on the triangle in the black bar below to listen.  And return to staring at the flowers, above.