stopping & taking a look around

One Saturday morning a few weeks ago, after I got back from New York City, I stood in front of my closet and stared at it for a solid minute.  And then?  I went on a rampage and cleaned out my closet.  And I mean, I cleaned. it. out.  By the time I was done, I had 6 industrial-sized bags filled with clothing to give away that I neither wanted nor needed, leaving only about 40% of my closet remaining. A clean-out had clearly been long overdue.

Weirdly, since then, I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe.  In the process of clearing out, I found clothes that I forgot I had, so they feel new again.  I'm putting together outfits with what remains in ways I'd never considered before -- and I like it.  I'm experimenting.  And I can see everything I own my just opening up the closet; something which, I'm embarrassed to say, I haven't been able to do in years.  Clearing everything out has been oddly freeing.

And so, it seems, I'm hooked.

My next target is this site.  I've been playing with a site redesign all weekend -- just toying with some ideas, honestly, but enough that I'm getting excited and am committed to doing it.  It has been 4 years since my last site redesign, and given both that I have a book coming out in the fall, and -- well -- I'm just not the same person that I was 4 years ago, it's time.  This site needs a clearing out.  A streamlining.

I'm taking my time with it, so it might be a couple of weeks or so.  But I figured I'd let you know it was coming.

I can't wait to share it with you.