this was a good week


This was a good week!  Here's why:

•  Nothing really big happened this week.  Lots of dinners at home, work has begun on our house, and I got many daily walks in.  All good.

•  The academy where butlers are born.  This world is COMPLETELY unfamiliar to me -- so naturally, I find it fascinating.

•  And if you can't afford a butler, how about this cake-serving machine?  I can't even begin to fathom how this dude managed to make this.

•  Smells from your childhood.  What are yours?  Mine are Chanel No. 5 (my grandmother) and pipe tobacco (my grandfather).

•  And speaking of things from the past, the Rolleiflex is back -- in instant camera form.  This is so cool!

•  This mating dance of the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradise.  Almost seventeen years ago, Marcus did something similar to attract my attention.  True story.  (Not a true story.)

•  And finally, for the soundtrack:  this week, an old song by The Brand New Heavies kept showing up in my life -- random, right?  Anyway, I took it as a sign that it had to be today's song.

Click the arrow below to listen.

Have a great weekend, friends.  Next week, I'll be traveling -- first for a speaking gig in Austin, and then off to California for the annual Mom 2.0 Summit.  So if you'll be there, please stop and say hi, otherwise, stay in touch via Instagram and Facebook, and I'll see you all again the following week!