this was a good week

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This was a good week! Here’s why:

• Thank Sweet Mary Margaret, Alex’s school is over for the year, and a load is lifted. Her school advisor gave all her students bubbles to celebrate. Summer is here.

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This artist makes lifelike sculptures out of densely rolled newspapers, and I don’t even understand what is happening.

Artist Katie Holden created a New York City Tree Alphabet font — the intent is that the actual trees will be planted around New York City with curated messages. But here’s the cool thing: you can download this font and actually write secret messages. See?

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• If I ever become an international villain, mark my words: this will be my secret lair.


America Ferrera’s new TED talk is fantastic.

So is Baratunde Thurston’s.

• And finally, for today’s soundtrack, this old-school song. When I picked up Alex and her friends on the last day of school this week to come over and hang, this song came on my car stereo, and the kids surprised me by knowing it, singing along to it, and grooving to it. And admittedly it does have a summery vibe.

Click on the arrow below to listen. Happy summer, everyone.