100 (or so) postcards for 2013


One of the things that I love about this time of year is the fact that my mailbox is more likely to have personal mail sitting in it.  Any other time of the year, my mailbox is pretty much just made of bills and junk mail, but every now and then in December, I get a greeting card or a personal letter or a note.  And even though it seems that more and more people are going the internet route to send their greetings, there are still quite a few who are old school -- and for that, I'm really grateful.

It had me thinking that I wish more people sent more snail mail during the rest of the year, and realizing that I'm not that great about sending regular mail either.  I figure it's time to do something about that.  And so, inspired by the amazing online photographer, Heather Champ, I've decided to follow her lead:  starting the first week of 2013, I'm going to send two postcards to two different people, and continuing doing so for every week until the rest of the year, to 104 different folks.  The postcards will be of my 104 favourite photographs that I took in 2012, and I'll handwrite a favourite quote on each card.  Because, you know, I love me a good quote -- especially when they sort of fall into my lap when I'm least expecting it -- and I assume others feel the same way, too.

Interested in receiving one?

If you are, please fill out the form by clicking here -- and it doesn't matter where you are in the world, either.  I promise that I won't share your information with anyone, and will only use your address to send you your postcard, and for no other reason.  Each postcard will be numbered (only one per person, please).  Once I receive 104 addresses, I'll stop receiving submissions.

And that's it. No strings attached.

I hope you'll join me.  I'm so looking forward to doing this.

UPDATE:  Goodness!  In just over 7 hours, I received 104 entries from 16 different countries! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm -- I wish I could send more cards, but I just can't at this time, I'm so sorry.  I'll definitely consider doing a bigger snail mail project in the future (because it seems we're all craving more snail mail), and when I do, I'll be sure to let you know.

Thanks again, friends.  Here's to sending more handwritten love in 2013.

SongSigned, sealed, delivered by Stevie Wonder