through the viewfinder monday: of books, horses and cephalopods

(Is it me, or does the underside of this fern remind you of an octopus?)

Thanks to all of you who participated in Friday's giveaway -- and how heartening that so many of you seem to be living your idea of perfect happiness right this very second.  And when you think about it, finding perfect happiness right-this-very-second is sort of the trick, isn't it? 

Speaking of which, in order to bring a little moment of perfect happiness to someone right this very second, my oracle tells me that the winner of an autographed copy of Kelly Rae's lovely little book, Taking Flight:  Inspiration and Techniques to Give Your Creative Spirit Wings is Ella Faulkner!  Ella, I'll contact you via email to get your details.  Everyone else, thanks again for participating.  I'm hoping to make the Authentic You interview series a regular here at Chookooloonks, so stay tuned to meet more inspiring people along the way.

In other news, this weekend was a great weekend, photographically-speaking:  I managed to get out and burn a lot of memory on my camera, the results of which I'm sure will appear in some form or fashion in future posts.  That said, feel free to check out the new project under the "Projects" link, above, the Texas Draft Horse & Mule Show, which took place at the Washington County Fairgrounds, in Brenham, Texas.  I'm pretty pleased with some of the photographs, especially considering I know absolutely nothing about farm animals.  The whole time I was there, I kept having flashes of Mona Lisa Vito looking at me derisively and saying, "Oh, yeah.  You blend."  Seriously, at first I wasn't sure which end of the horse to point my lens at.

You think I'm kidding.

You're right, I am kidding.


Anyway, enjoy.

SongOctopus' Garden by the Beatles.

Karen Walrond5 Comments