through the viewfinder: your inner da vinci

Last year, when I took my retreat to the Oregon coast with 12 women (most of whom I'd never met before), we all had two things in common:

1. we all had an internet presence, and

2. we all practiced some art.

Some of us (like Hula, Tracey, Jen Gray, Alex and I) are photographers. Andrea, in addition to be a great jewelry designer, is also a photographer (and Hula, in addition to be a great photographer, is also a dancer). Mati, Kelly Rae, Jen Lemen and Ali do amazing visual art. And Jen Lee and Brené are two of the best writers I've ever had the privilege of meeting in person.

But then, there's Myriam. Myriam's art is definitely cuisine. But it's not just that she's a great cook, who can make healthy meals that are amazingly delicious. It's that she understands the politics and culture and power of food unlike anyone I've ever known.  It's the way she uses this understanding to prepare meals that can help people connect, and create community.  She's an amazing talent.

Being around those women made me realize, probably for the first time in my life, that the phrase "I'm not artistic" is really a load of bunk.  I think the truth is that we all have an artist inside of us, whether we know it or not, although our art may be something different from being able to paint a beautiful picture, or sculpt a perfect piece.  It might be, like Myriam, cuisine.  Or like Andrea, jewelry.  Or maybe is being able to craft the most beautiful letters or personal notes.  Or design a warm, welcoming home.  Or plan the perfect event.  Or create an amazing dessert.  Or ...

... well, you tell me:  what's your art?  Is it photography, painting, pottery, dance, music or something different?  And if you don't know what it is, what do you suspect it might be?  And if you have a suspicion, what's keeping you from going out and practicing your art right now?

Song: Lisa by Ernie Halter

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