clean water

Thinking of a new photography project, involving images of water.  These days I've been obsessed with water -- how organic it is, how it moves.  If I can make this work, I think I'd like to figure out a way to use the project to benefit a clean water charity.  Right now, I'm sort of digging the looks of this one

Marcus helped me set up this shot last night -- you know, just experimenting.  Hopefully, I can start shooting some images in earnest after this week is over.  Normally, I wouldn't blog my thoughts about prospective projects until they were well underway, but as I roll this idea around my mind, I kind of like how it feels.

We'll see how it goes.


Update:  I forgot to tell you some news -- I was invited as a guest panelist for, a "conversation among the web's most outspoken mom-bloggers" (I don't know if I'm a "mom-blogger," but I'm a mom and I'm a blogger, so I guess I'll take that).  You can see the conversation here.  If I'm invited to do any additional "momversations," they'll continue to be posted on my News page; if, however, "momversating" isn't your bag, continue to visit this page for more pretty pics.

SongWater by Lauryn Hill


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