

Over the last couple of days, I've been wrestling with the news that a good friend has very recently received an unexpected diagnosis of a life-threatening condition.  He learned of his illness almost by accident, and while he seems to be in surprisingly good spirits (despite the legions of tests, treatments and sobering prognoses he is facing), the news has me pretty shaken.

I balance this with the news from my 5-year-old, given to me on our morning walks to school, that the many mushrooms that litter the lawns in our neighbourhood lately are actually meeting places for fairies, who congregate at night and sit on them, as they conduct their fairy business.  Afterwards, of course, they dance their fairy dances.  I'm told both Tinkerbell and her tooth fairy are often in attendance.


Life is a complex thing, isn't it?


Song: Better way by Ben Harper

Image: photographed with Nikon D300, 60mm micro lens

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