kitchen window, 11:39 a.m.

Marcus' orchids are beginning to bloom -- a sure sign that spring isn't too far away.

In other news, here are some cool things I've found recently while I was supposed to be working on the book:

  • I purchased a custom iPhone case from Uncommon, using one of my photos (the image that's in the banner of the front page of my site, in case you were wondering), and it arrived last week.  Holy moly, do I love this thing.  If you are a photographer or any type of artist and you happen to have an iPhone, run-do-not-walk to this site and pick yourself up one.  It's very cool.
  • Within one week, two people have recommended this book to me.  Is that a sign?
  • Speaking of books, on the flight to Utah, I read this little novella by Steve Martin.  A bit strange, but a quick read, and ultimately quite good.
  • Update -- Speaking of more books, just found out that Gayla's book, Grow Great Grub, is available nowGayla is a friend of mine, and she gave me an early copy of this book at the ALT Summit.  It is seriously beautiful:  all the photos were taken by either her or her husband, and her husband did the graphic design of the book.  It's full of really great, informative gardening tips, even if your garden happens to be on the fire escape outside of your window.  A really, really gorgeous work, and if you have any interest at all in gardening, you would do well to own it.  No lie, and I would honestly say this even if she weren't my friend.
  • Loving this post by Eden.
  • I've never mentioned it before, but I have a separate little blog where I dump my iPhone photos, shots taken while I'm out and about.  If you're interested, you can find it here.

More soon.


Song: Fireflies by Owl City

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