chookooloonks life list update: number 16, photograph 1000 faces (the evo edition, part 3)


So I've told you about the faces I went to EVO intending to photograph and the ones who I knew (either in person or by reputation), but didn't know were coming, so it was a happy surprise that I got to photograph them, as well.  Today, finally, I'll share images of women who were brand new to me, and who kindly shared their different beautiful faces with me and my camera.  Score!

On the second night of the conference, I was invited to a special dinner at the Waldorf Astoria.  There's just something about the words "Waldorf Astoria," isn't there?  The name just screams opulence.  And the hotel in Park City is no exception -- it was really fabulous.

When we arrived at the cocktail reception prior to the dinner, we were greeted by two lovely women:  Sarah, above, and Libby, below.  I can only conclude that in order to work for the Waldorf, you are required to have really beautiful eyes.  Because seriously, are you looking at these eyes?



Thanks, Sarah and Libby.  It was a lovely time.


Niri, of Mommy Niri

Another woman I met at the reception was Niri.  See that smile?  I don't think I ever saw it disappear from her face.  Niri is one of those people who makes you feel like her mission in life is to see that you are happy and comfortable and content.  If you look up "kindness" in the dictionary, the picture above (or one very much like it) is right there.  If there was a company that specialized in making you feel special, Niri would be the CEO.  If "warmth" were an Olympic sport, Niri would handily take gold. 

You get my point.  It was such a pleasure meeting her.


Danielle of

I often find that when I go to parties, there's always someone there who I can't stop watching.  It's not necessarily that they're physically beautiful (although that certainly might be the case); it's more that there's just something about him or her that is arresting.  Maybe it's an aura.  Or just a vibe.

At the Waldorf party, that person was Danielle.  She was just radiant.  I watched her as she stood in the room, keenly taking in the scene, seeming genuinely interested in everything that was going on around her.  She didn't hesitate when I asked if I could take her photograph, which is so refreshing.  And when I returned to Houston, I received a wonderfully kind email from her. 

We didn't speak much at the conference, but I hope our paths cross again.  She seems like someone who could be a good friend.


Leah of Bookie Boo and Mamavation

On meeting Leah, the word that most immediately came to my head was "confidence."  My heavens, this woman walks like a queen.  As we talked, I came to find out that Leah is the brains behind a popular fitness site, and comes by her fitness chops by having lost one hundred and seventy pounds.

Let me say that again:  she lost one hundred and seventy pounds.

Needless to say, the reasons for her confidence became oh-so-very clear.  Because if I ever showed the determination and fortitude of reaching a goal like that?  I'd be strutting around like such a badass.  And I'd do it without nearly the charm Leah has.


Maude of Whoops Bunny

The first thing I noticed about Maude was her shoulder -- she had a large, beautiful tattoo of a lotus flower, and it was delicate and pink, of all colours.  I tapped her on the shoulder and complimented her.

"Thank you," she said, in a soft Australian accent.  We began talking, and I realized that just being near her made me feel more peaceful.  It's no wonder she has a lotus flower on her shoulder, I thought.

We spoke some more, and I noticed she had this very cool brightly-coloured, whimsical bag over her shoulder.  "That's awesome!" I said.  "Is that your handbag?"

"Oh," she smiled.  "It's my new business, actually."

More research indicates that Maude is a woman who is deeply committed to the same sorts of causes that move me.  I love this.  It was great meeting her.


Stephanie of Noshtopia

Stephanie is another example of someone who I met and I found myself really wanting to get to know her better.  Stephanie also spoke at the conference, on the topic of defining self-evolution.  She's effusive and joyful and considers her life's purpose to "help people live more authentic lives."

Sound familiar?

We didn't spend nearly enough time talking together during this trip, but definitely left our final conversation "to be continued."  I can't wait to learn more about her work, and look at possibilities of collaborating with her.  She's awesome.

* * * * * * *

And with that (and with thanks to all the beautiful faces who allowed me to take their photographs), have a great weekend, everyone.  (And to Americans everywhere, enjoy your July 4th holiday safely!)


Images:  All photographed with my Nikon D300 and that lovely 50mm lens Nikon lent me.


Song:  Taking all these photos lately inspired me to do a new trailer for the book.  I hope you enjoy it, below (and, of course, if you do, feel free to retweet it, embed it in your blogs, Facebook pages, or wherever you'd like).