the art of doing nothing

One of the dangers of working on your own, of course, is the fact that often, you never have a full day off:  there's always something that needs to be done, an email that needs to be sent, some notes that need to be taken.  But today, I promised myself that I would get a whole lot of nothing done today.

For the most part, I did a pretty good job of it.  Oh, I did send out a few work-related emails, but mostly I sat.  And journaled.  And made it through tons of movies.

And watched my daughter idly balance herself along the curb.




I need to get a lot more nothing done next weekend, too.


Images:  Photographed with my Nikon D300 and 50mm lens.

SongBlackbird, as performed by Dionne FarrisBest cover of a Beatles song ever.