gone fishin'

Tomorrow we leave for our quick family vacation to an undisclosed location. We cannot wait.

I think that where we're going will have an internet connection; however, I'm a little worried that the cost might be exorbitant.  This might actually be a good thing, though, since my goal is to disconnect as much as possible, and spend some good, quality downtime with Marcus and Alex, eliminating rambling, thoughtful posts on the blog until I return.  I hope you understand.


The truth is that one of the ways I decompress is by photographing things during the day, and processing them in the evening.  So, while I'm gone, I thought we could have a little fun:

Provided I can get online, every night while we're gone I'll post a photographic clue as to where we are.  Please leave your guess as to the name of the city where we're vacationing in the comments, and the first person to guess the name of the city over the next 5 days will win a set of postcardy-photographs of my favourite images from our holiday, to brighten up your computer workspace.   You can guess as many times as you'd like, but only the first commenter who correctly guesses the city will win.  And it has to be the name of the city -- not state, province, country, or area of the world.

Incidentally, if I know you in my daily life, or I've told you or a family member of yours where we're going, you're unfortunately disqualified from this little contest.  Please only participate if, as of the publishing of this post, you have absolutely no idea where we're going.

So away we go.  In the meantime, please continue to check out The Beauty of Different blog (and subscribe to it, if you haven't already) -- I've preloaded some goodness for the next couple of days.  For those of you who are avid Facebookers, I've started a new Beauty of Different fan page.  And, of course, don't forget to send me your photographs for the Photobomb -- I've already received some great ones, but I want to make sure that I collect as huge a batch as possible.

And with that, see you soon, everyone.  With a little luck, "soon" will mean "tomorrow night," when I upload our first photographic clue.


Image:  My kitchen window, photographed with my Nikon D200, and 50mm lens.  Notice this is my D200, not my D300 -- I'll be using this older camera for the next few days.  Also, I processed the image above with Adobe Lightroom 3, which, while I'm not as passionate about yet as I am Photoshop, I'm quickly learning to love.


Song: Runaway by Jamiroquai

Karen Walrond10 Comments