the redwood forest

On my last full day in California, it rained.

This, however, did not stop a few of us for going for a walk in the redwood forests nearby.

Now, given my father's penchant for road trips, I cannot imagine that I'd never been to the redwoods before. But I don't remember being as impressed as I was on this trip -- maybe because when you're a kid, everything looks tall?  Maybe because my dad never slowed the car down?  Whatever, I was totally impressed this time.   The light in the forest was mindblowing.  The trees were huge -- so huge, in fact, that some of the trees were named, with there statistics like their incredible ages and heights.  And the sounds and the smells -- well, they were spectacular.

Two things that I was disappointed about:  I didn't bring a wide-enough lens (so you could really see how huge these trees are), and I didn't bring a recorder, so you could hear the sounds (like you did with the rain outside my front door).  No matter.  Being in the forest was truly one of the highlights of my trip. And I got some decent shots of the incredible light. 

Really incredible light.








Images:  Photographed with my Nikon D300 and 50mm.


SongStardust, as performed by Willie Nelson.  Because listening to this song feels like what it felt like to be in the woods.

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