list #12: 8 happy things

1.  This trailer for this film.  Even though I don't understand a thing they're saying.  It's just beautiful.

2.  This video on how to photograph a humpback whale.  Seriously considering adding a new item to the life list.

3.  These pictures of a very patient dragonfly.  This bug didn't move the entire time I was photographing him.

4.  Alex's rapidly evolving sense of humour.  Kid slays me.

5.  Marcus' salads.  Marcus makes, no lie, the best salads I've ever eaten in my life.  And these days, it's been saladapalooza up in here.

6.  Getting ready for the meet-up in Seattle next week Saturday the 23rd.  Seattle peeps, I hope I'll see you there?  And if you're a Facebooker, you can RSVP right here.

7.  The fact that yesterday, The Beauty of Different was Number 1 on Amazon's Portrait Photography Bestseller list.   The book has been hovering in the top 100 of various of Amazon's lists (and quite often in the top 20), but yesterday was the first time it hit number 1.  This list is calculated and updated every hour, so its tenure there was fleeting; still, it happened

And I am so, so grateful to all of you for helping make it happen.  I'm just very humbled.

8.  Starting work on the second book.  Because, you know -- no rest for the wicked.


UPDATE:  National Delurking Day!  I'm told today is National Delurking Day -- where, in theory, you're supposed to leave a comment, even if you've not been in the habit of doing so.  So, please, leave a comment!  To make it fun (for you and for me), why don't you leave a comment giving me the city and country where you're currently reading this blog.  And, what the heck -- if you do -- I'll pick a commenter randomly to receive a signed copy of The Beauty of Different.

Sock it to me!


On that note:  have a great weekend, everyone.


Image:  Photographed with the Nikon D300, 60mm micro lens


Song: Lovers' carvings by Bibio

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