list #13: 10 random thoughts that ran through my head as i wrote this post

1.  I'm really pleased with the way the texture of this flower came out on this photo.  

2.  The commercials on television are horrifying.  This must be why people get TiVo.

3.  I need a manicure.  I should give myself one before I leave for Seattle.

4.  Seattle should be cool.  I'm really excited that I'll have some time to check out the sights.  What should I shoot while I'm there ... there's, like, a needle, I think?  Oh, and .... they throw fish?  Or something?  I should probably do a bit of research on what I should see in the few hours I'm there.

5.  Marcus' salad tonight was delicious.  But really, it's hard to go wrong with shrimps and peanut sauce.

6.  Goodness, my feet are cold.

7.  Speaking of Seattle, I should probably take a raincoat.  Where is that thing? I'm not sure I've worn it since I lived in London.  It's probably full of moths.  Not that I've ever seen a moth eat clothing.  Moths eat clothing, right? Does that really happen?

8.  The list of side effects on the medications they advertise is terrifying.  How bad do you have to feel, to risk taking medicine with "risk of suicide or death"?

9.  Cornell West just said, "Justice is what love looks like in public.  Tenderness is what love feels like in private."  HELL yes.

10.  Time for a cup of tea, I think.

Image:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 60mm micro lens.

SongRapper's delight by the Sugar Hill Gang

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