nablopomo day 3: on going dormant

Winter fast approaches.  Well, as fast as it does here in Houston.  It's supposed to be in the high 60's today, which feels pretty seasonal in this part of the world; but yesterday, there was a high of 80 degrees ... so, you know.  Grain-of-salt, and all that. 

Anyway, I've been talking with a couple of friends lately, and both of them referenced this time as the "holiday season."  I want to be empathetic, but the truth is, I can't even think about it being the "holiday season."

You read that last sentence thinking that I wasn't ready for Thanksgiving and deck-the-hallsing and falalalala-ing, right?  You're under the impression that I'm a little unsettled that the year has gone so fast?  Well, no, my darlings, you would be very, very wrong -- it's not the impending celebrations, or their rapid arrival thereof, that I'm obsessing over.  I can't think about it being the holiday season because in my mind, I've blown right through November and December, and am already making plans for 2012.  Oh, the things I'll do!  The places I'll see!  The images I'll shoot, and the projects I'll complete! I am raring ... to ... go, baby!

I read somewhere that the reason for winter is for nature to rest, to store energy for the burst of activity that spring requires.  I've also read that we humans need this, too:  that we all need some time to go dormant, rejuvenate and regenerate, so that we can meet future projects and challenges with enthusiam and gusto.


I think my readings are telling me that I need to seriously chill.


(Happy Love Thursday, friends.)

Image:  Photographed with my Nikon D300 and 50mm lens.  aperture 1.4, shutter speed 1/800, ISO 250


SongListen to the darkside by Charlie Mars

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