on sweet places and sweet ideas

I've been recently been taken by a new idea for a project, similar in significance to The Beauty of Different, and one which -- finally! -- I'm energized by and scared of all at the same time.  (Incidentally, don't you always find the best ideas are exhilaratingly terrifying?  This is why I think this idea might actually be a really good one.)  So finally, once again, my days are filled with furious journal-writing, mind-mapping, phone conversations, and ... well, it's just wonderful, is what I'm saying.

As if the Universe was just waiting for me to have this great idea, this week I stumbled upon this tiny, independent coffeehouse that I have flat fell in love with.  It's called SWEET, and while I'm sure the name has to do with all of the made-on-the-property confections that are constantly coming out of its kitchen (and Sweet Sister Margaret, I tried one of their chocolate-on-chocolate cake balls, and my head almost exploded clean off my body from the delicious), there's no doubt that the name also applies to the wonderful feel and ambiance of the place.  I mean, seriously, take a look:










Isn't it lovely?  I already foresee many teas and journal sessions in this space. So simply beautiful.

So, with that, I'm back at it.  One thing, though (and this is sort of a hint as to what this project is about):  much like The Beauty of Different, I'm hoping to feature some individual, visual stories in this project, so if you:

a)  have changed careers from one job to something completely different, and you're loving the change; and

b)  are in the US or Canada (or will be in the next few months); and, most importantly

c)  would love to tell me your story and possibly be photographed by me for publication

could you please email me at karen@chookooloonks.com with the word "SWEET!" in the subject line, with a bit of your story?  If I think I could use your story, I'll likely be in touch with some more in-depth questions.  And if I don't use your story, please don't be hurt:  as you know by now, I think everyone's story is really beautiful; I'm simply curating to make sure that each story relates to each of the others in a cohesive way.

Thanks in advance, friends.  Here's wishing you a really sweet day.


* * * * * * *

Speaking of sweet, I need to announce which sweet people won the three stacks of my photos I found when I was spring cleaning!  According to Random.org, the winners are:

Keishua, who said, "i'm in"

adrienne hall, who said, "i'm in! LOVE your pics and now so does my mom!!!"

sassymonkey, who said, "I'm in need of photographs to decorate the walls of this house we bought almost a year ago. ;-)"

Congrats, all!  Please check your email for a note from me requesting your details.

And thanks to everyone who participated -- I'll definitely do this again the next time I accumulate a ton of prints!



Images:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 50mm lens, aperture 1.4-2.8, shutter speeds 1/250 - 1/500, ISO 200.


SongBlackbird, as performed by Dionne Farris.