coco reef, tobago

Last Friday, quite unexpectedly, Alex and I found ourselves on a plane to Trinidad's sister island, Tobago.  The story of how this came to be is one I'm saving for tomorrow's post; but suffice to say that when one is presented with an opportunity to go to Tobago, one leaps at the chance.

Tobago is only a 15 minute flight from Trinidad, and is pretty much exactly what you think of when someone says the phrase "Caribbean island."  Where Trinidad is bustling and industrial, Tobago is quiet and tranquil.  When Marcus, Alex and I lived in Trinidad, we would try to get to Tobago for long weekends as often as we could afford, and whenever we went, we would stay at Coco Reef Resort.   We chose this hotel not because we loved the rooms or great service (though, of course, we did), but because when you're going to the beach with a toddler, you want somewhere safe, and their enclosed cove, where the water is as still as a sheet of glass, was perfect for our little Alex and her water wings.


This trip we didn't stay at Coco Reef (again, more on that tomorrow), but when we landed, Alex and I decided to walk over and have lunch at Coco Reef and swim in the ocean in front of the restaurant.  We, unsurprisingly, had a wonderful time.  There were tons of fish, and our little Alex is now our Big Girl Alex, so we took fins and a snorkel, and she was able to really get into swimming in the ocean (no photos, unfortunately, because I was swimming right next to her -- the water is deceptively deep out there).  But even given our awesome time, I have to say that while I never enjoy traveling without Marcus, it was here, my friends, when I missed the man like a madwoman.  Being on this beach where so many family memories had been made, it just felt somehow wrong for us to be there without him.

(Incidentally, Marcus and I celebrated 9 years of marriage this week.  So this fact might have had something do with why I was particularly pining for him, as well.)

Anyway, Happy Love Thursday, friends.  May you spend some time this summer somewhere that's special to you and the people you love.


SongMissing by Everything But the Girl


(On another, unrelated note: please be sure to click here to see some thoughts I've recently had on being an individual, on BlogHer's Own Your Beauty.)