a few more world domination summit faces

The very Zen Leo Babauta.

So I thought I'd share some more of the awesome faces I encounted at the World Domination Summit this past weekend.

The amazing face, above, belongs to Leo Babauta, the creative mind behind the insanely wonderful, peaceful blog, Zen Habits.  If you have never heard of this blog (and I bet you have), then please, click here, and go look deeply at this blog. 

Seriously, I'll wait.  Go look.


Now, tell me:  is Zen Habits not like taking a nice, big, deep breath?  There's a reason it was named one of the Top 25 Blogs of 2010 by Time Magazine.  And the best part -- simply being around Leo feels the same way: like you just took a nice, big, deep breath.  I so loved meeting him.


Jodi Ettenberg. You know when they call someone a "firecracker"? They came up with that term because of Jodi.

One of the first people I met on Saturday morning was Jodi, and learned that she was speaking right before I was scheduled to go on.  Jodi is friendly and open and straight-up joyous, and since she's a former-lawyer-turned-writer like I am (she's the creative mind behind Legal Nomads), she felt like a kindred spirit immediately.

"We're going to be friends," she said, grinning, about 2 minutes after we'd exchanged introductions.

She's right.


Marvin & Jo Abisia.

I want to tell you about these two, but I suspect the photo above tells it all.  Marvin and Jo were sitting behind me at the conference, and they are pure, uncut joy.  They're also in better shape than you or I:  they're personal trainers and triathletes, and they -- get this -- travel around the world, training people. 

If I were athletic, this would be my dream job.  I'm not, so it isn't, but I totally imagine it would be.

Both of them were so sincere and interested in what they do and sharing their stories, I couldn't help but feel that the time I spent with them was a time I'd never forget.  I wish them every happiness.


 Ernest White II.  One Fly Brother.

After the first three sessions on Saturday and break was called, I stood up from my chair and found myself feeling very light-headed.  I suddenly realized that it was 11 o'clock and I hadn't eaten anything.  I shakily made my way toward the door, and found the gentleman you see above tucking into a very delicious granola-and-yogurt dish. 

"Excuse me," I said, "can you please tell me where you got that?"

He indicated with his spoon.  "Over there," he said.  The words scarcely out of his mouth, and I was heading that direction.  "Thanks," I tossed deliriously over my shoulder as I staggered to the table with the snacks.

I must have concerned him, because he followed me, while I was rather unceremoniously shoveling yogurt and granola in my mouth.

"Um, hungry?" he asked, not even trying to hide his alarm.

We introduced ourselves, and as my blood sugar began to return to normal, I discovered that this was none other than the Fly Brother, Ernest, who lives in Sao Paolo and writes this highly awesome travel site about being an African American abroad -- I'd heard of his blog via various travel blogs that I read.  This dude is straight-up hysterical, and we immediately hit it off.  During breaks he made me laugh, he gave me a pep talk right before I went on stage, and clapped me on the back to celebrate with me when the talk was over. Such a great guy.

And I have more beautiful faces to come.


Song: Fly like an eagle, as performed by Seal