
6/52 of my self-portrait challenge.  Photographed at about 35,000 feet somewhere between Houston and Minneapolis/St. Paul.

I'm in lovely St. Paul, Minnesota, for The Creative Connection/BlogHer conference, and I'm having an extraordinarily good time.  Honestly, though, it's not just because the conference is good (but it is), but mostly because I'm spending quite a bit of time to myself on this trip.  I spent the morning yesterday quietly working in my room, and then after a great time at the conference in the afternoon (meeting some truly sweet people, as well as speaking at the close of the day), I took myself out to a solo Japanese dinner and a good book.  It was, frankly, bliss.

There have been lots of little moments like this over the week, and for this, I'm very grateful.  And as always, I've shared some of those moments over at my Babble blog, Bliss Your Heart.  Please go take a look.

And have a great weekend, friends.


Image:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, and Tamron 17-50mm lens.  aperture 13, shutter speed 1/650, ISO 200


Song: Even after all by Finley Quaye

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