announcing summer sessions coaching series!

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. (Today also happens to be my 21st wedding anniversary, which is a helluva thing. The idea that our marriage is old enough to order an adult beverage! We’ll be celebrating accordingly tonight, natch.) I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to do this summer — this time that is ostensibly about relaxation, yes, but also about recharging before going back in for the fall — and I realized that one of the things that I love doing, but haven’t been doing much of lately, is coaching.

I paused my coaching practice about 3 years ago, when my schedule got insanely busy, but recently, my Thursdays and Fridays have opened up. So I’d love to began moving back into coaching, but also experimenting with different ways of providing coaching offerings. To start, I’ve got a few openings for a deeply discounted 4-session package of US$ 975 (my standard coaching fee is $475/session, so this represents a discount of $925!).

welcome to the summer sessions!

Every Thursday from July 27th to August 17th, OR every Friday from July 28th to August 18th, (EDITED: FRIDAYS ARE NOW SOLD OUT), we’ll meet for 50 minutes to get you radiantly ready for fall. We’ll talk about whatever you’d like to discuss regarding your work: a project you’d like to start, a career goal you’d like to progress toward, whatever. Here’s how it would work:

  1. Fill out the form below. Be sure to choose Thursdays or Fridays for our weekly session together. Also, let me know what project or challenge you’d like us to work on together.

  2. If working together feels like we’d be a good fit, I’ll send you a list of available times. We’ll see if our schedules work, and if they do, you’ll receive a link to purchase the summer session package. You’ll hear from me within 48 hours, until all openings are filled.

  3. For 4 weeks, on the day and time chosen, we’ll meet for 50 minutes on Zoom.

    The first session, we’ll sit down together and explore and clarify your hopes and dreams for yourself, and establish appropriate coaching goals. As we brainstorm together, you'll discover new insights and possibilities, and we'll begin to form some clear goals to work towards together.

    For the three sessions thereafter, once we've clarified your goals, together we'll explore all of your strengths and resources, and delve into how they might be able to get you to where you want to go. During this time, we'll likely stumble upon strengths you didn't realize you had, resources that you'd never recognized, and appreciation for the experiences and skills you have that would be helpful in achieving your goals.

    After each of these sessions, I’ll give you some journal prompts to write about and consider, as together we work toward developing and implementing a plan to get you to where you dream of being. 

Coaching is all about unlocking your potential to maximize your own success. Unlike therapy, which tends to be retrospective and focuses on a psychological issue that undermines the ability to function in healthy and adaptive ways, our coaching work together will be more about the present and future, focusing on your goals and drawing on your potential, strengths and skills to maximize success in your life and work. 

As far as my qualifications, in addition to having decades of leadership experience both as a lawyer and an executive, I’m also a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, having been trained in Brené Brown's work on vulnerability, courage, shame-resilience and worthiness; in addition, I’m also trained in positive psychology coaching from the Wholebeing Institute, using the science of well-being and research-based assessments and interventions to bring about greater satisfaction, purpose and fulfillment in life.

In other words, past clients have found our sessions to be deeply hopeful and shame-free.

update: all sessions are now sold out!

Thanks to all of you who signed up — I’m so looking forward to working with you!

Will announce other sessions in the future — be sure you’re on the email list to learn when they open!