another getaway

Last weekend, Marcus’ lovely cousin Hannah visited. Hannah is in her twenties, and her energy, combined with her prodigious baking skills, was a lovely transition from our life of having our young adult daughter at home, to one with just the two of us. Hannah, my dear, if you’re reading this, we loved having you. Come back anytime. (Also, we’ve run out of your delicious baked goods, so seriously, come back anytime.)

This weekend, however, was our first weekend alone with no plans. So on a whim, I asked Marcus if he was up for visiting Getaway Cabins, the place where I had my solo retreat a couple of months ago. (This is the only camping you will ever catch me doing.) Marcus happily agreed. (Marcus says this is not camping.) (Marcus is wrong — there’s no wifi at Getaway cabins, and if that’s not roughing-it, I know not what it is.)

So we packed up some food and my manuscript and Marcus’ gravel bike and the dog and we headed north. And I wrote and Marcus rode and Soca sniffed and it was really quite lovely.

Marcus got a 37-mile ride done that made him very happy. I finished the final chapter of my book (notwithstanding a prologue and an epilogue still to write), and that made me very happy.* And when we got home, Alex called us to tell us about all the courses she’s enjoying and the fun she and her friends have been having. So wonderfully, she’s happy.

Happy Sunday, folks.

* Did I mention that we finally landed on a title for my upcoming book on joyful aging? Click here to find out what it is, and to sign up for news about its release. It’s happening, folks!

placesKaren WalrondComment