it's official: registration for the limelight sessions is now open!

This is it, friends:  registration for my first Lime Retreat, the LimeLight Sessions, is finally open.

I think I owe you guys some backstory about how this all came to be:  As much as I've enjoyed hosting the Path Finder course online (and man, I really have), I felt like I was still missing something, not being able to actually meet the people who were taking the course, face-to-face.  For this reason, I've been thinking about putting together in-person workshops for over a year now -- but I've been struggling with how to actually make this happen.  

But it was time.

So, being a workshop- and conference-going veteran myself, I thought about what makes a workshop ideal for me:

  • I love workshops that are smaller, rather than bigger.
  • I prefer conferences that are held in spaces that are comfortable and have some personality, rather than soulless hotel conference rooms.
  • When I'm at a conference, the best times for me are when I can connect one-on-one with people.

Keeping all three of these items in mind (and with some wonderful coaching from Andrea Scher, as well as good old-fashioned encouragement from my friend Maile), I began creating the LimeLight Sessions.  My hope is that the LimeLight Sessions are going to be relaxing, and inspiring, and filled with creativity juju -- a place where we can each focus on ourselves, while simultaneously receiving support from each other.  Oh, and of course there'll be good food and good conversation, as a bonus.

The first one will be held October 16-18, 2014, in a funky little studio right here in downtown Houston.  It's going to be tiny -- only 25 lucky participants! -- and we're going to relax, journal, make messes, and just generally connect with each other in a small intimate setting.  I really hope you will join me.

Also, at the last minute, last week I decided to put together a little promo video, to sort of communicate how I hope this little workshop will feel.  Click here or on the image below to watch:

I'm so excited for this -- I'd love for you to come.   Click here to register (and please note that registration will close after 25 people have signed up, so register early!).  And of course, don't forget to like the Lime Retreats Facebook page, so that you can be up to date on all the news!