#naphopomo 2013, day 22: this was a good week


Things that made me happy this week:

•  Marcus' family arrives today!  We haven't seen them since our trip to Bath two years ago.  

•  In the process of redoing my office/studio/library, I came across tons of things (some of which are shown in the photo, above) -- cards, card keys, coasters, even rocks or bits of coral -- that I picked up and kept with me on various travels over the last few years.  The reasons that I originally took them can't really be articulated -- I just found something about them really attractive.  Am I the only person who does this?  I need to do something with them all, but I'm not sure what.  Maybe find a beautiful decorative box to simply turn into a treasure chest?  In any event, finding each one of these items made me happy.

•  I've been falling in love again with the beautiful mind of Heather Champ -- everything about her is so creative.  She's an innovative photographer, but these days I'm finding myself riveted by her calligraphy practice, and I'm particularly and weirdly entranced by her profane words and phrases hand-lettered in beautiful writing (fair warning:  you'll see both if you click this link, in case you're at work/little eyes are watching).  Also, be sure to check out her curated photography newsletter.  I love that she always makes me think.

•  For the past few nights, I've been on a serious The West Wing binge on Netflix.  Can you believe I never watched it when it aired the first time around?  Good heavens, what a great show.

•  I had a nasty little cold earlier this week, and I'm convinced that the hot toddies Marcus made me were the cure.  He used this recipe, with whiskey, and lime instead of lemon.  If you're sniffling, give it a whirl.  It cured me, I tell you.

•  My friend Pam playing a ukulele medley, with Commander Chris Hadfield of the International Space Station on guitar.  Yes, the Commander Hadfield.  I know, right??  (I actually saw this last week, but I continue to be on a high from watching this.)

•  Holy crap.  Might I have just found a new way to stay organized?

•  The gorgeous Marianne Elliott wrote this beautiful piece on the importance of rest.  It's a great reminder, particularly as we get to the busy holiday season.  But it gets even better, friends: for the second year in a row, she's offering her Zen Peacekeeper's Guide to the Holidays, featuring a month of "peace offerings" and practices to help you be gentle with yourself through the season. Given that her 30 Days of Yoga has literally changed my life, I've already signed up. 

•  My friend Andrea has been posting words and images every day this month, and good Lord, how I hope this is a habit she'll keep up until well after November is just a memory.  That girl can spin a story like no one else.

•  Lit candles and peaceful music all day long, even while I work.  It makes a difference, my friends.

•  And speaking of music, I stumbled across this remix of Nina Simone's See-Line Woman in my iTunes library, and I'm so glad I did.  


With that, have a great weekend, my friends.

This photograph was taken as part of #NaPhoPoMo (National Photo Posting Month) -- a shot a day for the month of November.   You should join me:  it's a lesson in stopping and looking, improving your photography skills, and appreciating the beauty and light around you. 

Click here to see who's participating (and sign up your own blog, if you'd like!).  And if you tag your photos with #NaPhoPoMo on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Google+, your image will automatically be seen here.  I hope you join in the fun - and I can't wait to see what you capture.