#naphopomo 2013, day 7: starting my day ... kind of


So, story behind this shot:  for today, I had the idea of taking a photograph of me starting my typical workday -- you know, breakfast at the desk, opening email, no makeup, messy office, that sort of thing.

So I set the camera up with the timer, and then while waiting for it to go off, I actually stumbled across a video of Allie Brosh (who I mentioned in this post),  speaking at Google.  It's a long video -- 34 minutes --  where she reads the first chapter of her book, and then takes questions from the audience and describes her creative process.

The reading is really funny, and the camera captured me laughing at one of her jokes.  So basically, the camera caught me procrastinating before starting my day, rather than actually starting my workday.

(The video is below, in case you wanted to see it.  Simply click here or the image below to watch.  Warning -- she drops a couple of f-bombs, so you might want to turn down the volume if you're at work, or if little ears are nearby.)

This photograph was taken as part of #NaPhoPoMo (National Photo Posting Month) -- a shot a day for the month of November.   You should join me:  it's a lesson in stopping and looking, improving your photography skills, and appreciating the beauty and light around you. 

Click here to see who's participating (and sign up your own blog, if you'd like!).  And if you tag your photos with #NaPhoPoMo on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Google+, your image will automatically be seen here.  I hope you join in the fun - and I can't wait to see what you capture.