radiant rebellion is now available for preorder! (and why this is so important)

Dear radiant rebels —

Man, I’ve been dying to make this announcement.

A couple of months ago, my publisher sent over the cover art for my new book, Radiant Rebellion. It’s rare that an author gets to have much say in the design of their book cover — publishers tend to have deeper knowledge of book cover trends, and what sort of art entices a reader to buy a book — so authors tend to get a little nervous about what their publisher might create as an artistic interpretation of the book. I’m no exception: while I loved the art for The Lightmaker’s Manifesto, there was no guarantee that I’d get as lucky this time around. Happily, though, I did love it, and exclaimed as much to my publisher. “I’m glad you’re pleased,” she responded. “But we prefer if you don’t share it with anyone until it’s available for preorder.” And thus began an alarmingly frequent and vaguely embarrassing habit of me searching for my own book on Amazon and other retailers, to see if any book pages had been created.

Over the weekend, they finally appeared. And so, my friends, presenting the cover of my new book, Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy & Raise a Little Hell!

When Valerie, my editor, sent over the art, she said, “The radiant, bursting riot of color behind the words captures, in our minds, the work of this book. It conveys an explosion of energy, positive and effusive and, most of all, full of light.” I couldn’t help but agree, and it’s exactly the feeling I hoped to express when I was writing this book about joyful aging. In fact, here’s the marketing copy that’s being used to promote the book:


What if aging is something to aspire to, not dread? What if together we could forge a radiant rebellion against the idea of aging as a season of decline?

Join Karen Walrond, author of The Lightmaker's Manifesto, in this intriguing investigation into how we can reclaim aging, cultivate joy, and resist ageism.

During her own year of transition — a milestone birthday, a wedding anniversary, the emptying of the nest — Walrond, in the buoyant and luminous style her readers have come to love, does a deep dive into dimensions of getting older, including health, beauty, spirituality, connection, adventure, and meaning and purpose. Through conversations with social workers and neurologists, activists and clergy, Walrond satisfies her curiosity — and ours — about why the dominant culture treats aging as a time of dwindling capacity. She also embarks on a series of experiments that help her rebel against convention: letting her hair go naturally gray, going on a silent retreat, revamping her health practices, and plotting her next adventure.

With wisdom from luminaries who light our way, Walrond helps us radiantly rebel against the fads and assumptions that hold us back, redefine the adventure of getting older, and create a shining future of expanded potential. 

We might even raise a little hell.


As I’ve told so many people during the process of writing it, my hope is that folks who are my age will finally see themselves in its pages, and folks who are younger than me will get really excited about all the potential that lies before them. I feel like this book cover helps express that energy. Also, I’ve heard the myth that as women get older, they become “invisible” — I love that crazy colour of this book makes it anything but.

I hope you love the cover as much as I do. The book officially drops October 17th.

So, now comes The Asking of the Preorders. This is the third book I’ve published, and this part of authoring never gets easier. Over the years, however, I’ve learned a few things about why this part of the process is incredibly important, more nuanced than “I hope it’s a bestseller.” (Besides, there’s a bit of alchemy involved in getting on a bestseller list that I’m still not entirely sure I fully understand.) And so, here’s a practical, straight-talking list of reasons why preorders really help an author like me:

  1. Preorders create buzz around the book, not just for readers, but for booksellers and libraries. While getting on bestseller lists might be a huge ego boost, the more practical reason to promote a book before its official publication date is because preorder numbers help booksellers to determine how many books to have in stock, and help libraries decide whether to have a copy of the book on offer. In other words, preorders can help spread the word about the fact that my book even exists.

  2. Preorders help build the confidence publishers have in their authors. I’m lucky that I’m signed with a publisher who I love, but just because they’ve published a couple of my books is no guarantee that they’ll keep wanting to publish my future work. If I have any ideas for future books, I still have to pitch them for their consideration. Your preorders help provide data about whether I’m worth the risk of continuing to work with me.

  3. Preorders help coordinators predict who might be a good speaker for their upcoming conferences and events. Because I make most of my living as a speaker at conferences and corporate events, preorders help me immensely in being considered as a keynote for organizations around the country.

  4. Preorders are a huge — h u g e — way to support authors of colour. I was stunned to recently learn that only five percent of published authors are nonwhite. Only 5%. For what it’s worth, supporting writers who look like me through preorders helps the publishing industry consider more writers who look like me or who are nonwhite. And the way I figure it, the more diverse stories that are included in publishing houses, the better off we all are.

So — those are the real reasons you’ll hear me (and other authors) ask you for preorders ahead of the official publishing date. If you’d support my book, I would therefore be beyond grateful. For the record, it doesn’t matter where you purchase the book — Amazon, Barnes & Noble, even your favourite independent bookseller (because Lord, how I love an independent bookseller) works. Just wherever you like to buy books. And in most cases, you won’t be charged for your purchase until the book ships in October.

Thank you so much, my friends. I’m so excited for us to start this radiant rebellion together.