rainy days and sundays


​It's been really rainy all weekend long -- a situation which I suppose should be disappointing, but in fact, was just what we needed.  Marcus, Alex and I holed up at home for the entire 48 hours:  I journaled, Alex was introduced to Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (thus completing her animation education, I'm thinking), and Marcus played Skyrim for a shocking number of hours (men and their toys, man).  It was positively heavenly.


I was also able to do a considerable amount of web surfing as well (because I'm productive like that).  Here are some amazing things I found:​

First of all, you guys know I'm a big fan of journaling -- well, check these puppies out.  THOSE, my friends, are journals.​​​

Secondly, check out these amazing shots of The Great Depression.  I always imagine this time in black-and white, but these images are in shocking, vivid colour -- some of the only colour photos of the time.  For whatever reason, this makes these images feel more real, you know?  Like the Depression wasn't that long ago.  Really stunning.​

And finally, I've just come across Flakphoto.com, "an online art space that celebrates the culture of image-making by promoting the discovery of artists from around the world."  Talk about a repository for photographic inspiration.  go take a look.

And with that, have a great week, everyone.​

Song:  Rain by Madonna.  You know, in honour of her singing in the Super Bowl halftime show.​