sliding into december (and the beauty of different is now on sale!)


My in-laws have returned to England, and the house is quiet again.  I thought I would have a slow month heading into the new year, but it doesn't look like it:  I leave for a quick work trip to Los Angeles tomorrow, and then this coming weekend, we're attending a wedding for someone who is really important to our family.  I'm in the middle of creating a new e-book offering, and I've also got some plans for a new online course for the new year, one that combines the best of a couple of courses I've given in the past.

Yup, December is proving to be crazy.  But I'm loving it.

So holidays, bring it.  Also, since this is Cyber Monday, and apparently, today is the day for offering deals, I thought I'd offer signed hard copies of The Beauty of Different on sale for US$ 12.50 for the month of December.  If you live in the US and would like to give a signed copy of the book to someone you love this holiday season, simply leave a note when you check out with the name of the person to whom you'd like the inscription to be made, and I'll make it happen.

Click here to purchase your own copy.

Happy Monday, friends.  Here's to making it a great month.)


Song:  Ice, ice baby by Vanilla Ice