this was a good week

This was a great week:  here's why:

•  Good first week of school, followed by a long weekend, baby!  Best way to start the fall.

•  I was interviewed for my friend Lu's new podcast series.  I rant about Madonna, talk about my huge hair, and even sing a bit of my throw-down karaoke song.  You've been warned.

•  A tour of the British Isles in accents.  Finally, proof for my American friends that Marcus sounds more Hagrid than Hugh Grant.  (He's from Cornwall.)

•  Speaking of Britain, Covent Garden in London holds a special place in my heart:  I spent many weekends when I lived in London visiting it; in fact, we held our rehearsal dinner the night before our wedding in Covent Garden.  So it's sort of killing me that I'm missing this beautiful art installation, going on now.  Someone go visit, and tell me all about it!

•  Hipster Barbie is so much better at Instagram than you are.  This made me laugh and laugh.

•  My friend Wendi shared what she did on her summer vacation.  It was funny.  It also caused a Village People earworm.  You've been warned again.

•  My friend Andrea is launching a new course:  E-course Boot Camp.  If you've ever dreamt of creating your own ecourse, but were paralyzed where to start, Andrea is phenomenal at helping you flesh out your ideas.  I've used Andrea's wisdom before, and trust me, she'll help everything come clear.

•  And finally,  this recent BBC One interview, interrupted by a blue whale -- yes, a blue whale -- made me so happy.  BEAUTIFUL creature, and the interviewer was so beside himself, it was awesome.  Click here or the image below, to watch.


Have a great weekend, friends.  Make it count.