this was a good week


This was a great week.  Here's why:

•  My friend Luvvie was in town for work, and happily, had time for a leisurely lunch before heading back home.  Surprise, spontaneous lunches with good friends are the best.


•  It was Marcus' birthday yesterday!  We're going to celebrate for the rest of the weekend, too.

•  I've been saying for years that handwriting things is better than typing things -- and not just because seeing someone's handwriting is cooler, either.  This article vindicates me.

•  This guy criss-crossed the United States by train, and took photos.  I'm thinking our family might have to do this before Alex goes off to college.  Amazing.

•  So charmed by Xanthe's mini time capsules -- 15 second movies of her days.  Gorgeous.

•  Also charmed by Hula's photographs of her 20th wedding anniversary, where she and her husband returned to New Orleans, the city of their honeymoon.  Make sure to get all the way to the bottom:  the self-portrait of the two of them, recreating a similar one they'd done 20 years ago, took my breath away.

•  You might remember that Alex participated in Girls Rock Camp this past summer, and she loved it.  And I love their fundraiser:  selling prints of girls recreating iconic album covers.  So cool.

•  Finally, today's soundtrack:  I updated my playlist for workouts this week, and I included Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk (It's perfect for a quick-paced hike uphill on a treadmill, by the way).  While I was listening to it, I remembered this video of ... well ... hands that sing the song.  So it seemed like a perfect time to share it with you.

Click here or the image below to watch.


Have an amazing weekend, friends.  See you next week.