this was a good week

This was a good week.  Here's why:

•  I got a lot of work done this week, and I rewarded myself with dinner at a little neighbourhood Provençal restaurant with a close friend.  Perfect.

•  This woman repaints Bratz dolls to represent iconic women.  So cool.

 Watercolours of black women that defy stereotypes.  Love this.

•  This fashion/style blog, written by an 80-year-old former Playboy Bunny, is pretty fantastic.

•  Someone found a $2 photograph in a junk store that might actually be worth $5 million.  Why does this never happen to me?

•  And finally, for the song of the day, Wheel of Musical Impressions, featuring Arianna Grande.   Arianna does impressions of other famous singers, and I have to say that (1) her impressions are uncanny, and (2) girlfriend's got some pipes.  Plus, she and Jimmy Fallon are just so fun to watch.

Click here or on the image below to see.

Have a great weekend, friends.