this was a good week

Well, friends, it's the end of another week -- and it was a great one!  Here's why:

•  I bought two new dresses, a pair of shoes, and this red lily, shown above, turned up out of nowhere in our garden, for no reason at all.  I love happy surprises.

•  A teenager wrote a dramatic and heartfelt ode to her favourite members-only wholesale bulk food store -- and her essay got her into 5 Ivy League universities.  That's good writin'.

•  I've always admired how food photographers make meals look so delicious -- I never can.  But could it be because my food isn't fake enough?

•  You all know how much I love journaling, so it's probably no surprise that I love how my friend Ali is recording her weekly life this year -- by simply filling clear, plastic pockets with notes and drawings and writing.  She's a pro at this sort of thing, but every time I see her work, I'm surprised again. Gorgeous.

•  The many beautiful colours of humans -- a portrait project by photographer Angélica Dass.  Don't miss her TED talk about her project, either.

•  Animal courtships performed by humans.  It's very safe for work, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say that this is the most creative (and beautiful) condom commercial I have ever seen.

•  And finally, speaking of love and courtship:  for today's soundtrack, the music video for the song Monument by Mutemouth.  It's based on the story of a man who made his house into a monument to his wife of almost 60 years after her death.  Such beautiful joy, man.  Click here or on the image below to watch.


Happy weekend, friends.