this was a good week


It's been a minute, hasn't it?  It's not that there haven't been good weeks -- I've spoken of the little miracles that have been happening constantly over the last month -- but it's that I haven't had my head together to do this feature!  But I'm back.  And this was a good week.  Here's why:

•  A dozen or so volunteers showed up last weekend to do the final packing and discarding at our house, and FEMA showed up to inspect our house on Saturday, and we received our money this Tuesday.  People are great, man.  And regarding FEMA -- while it's not a ton of money, and certainly won't cover our losses, it's certainly better than a poke in the eye.  We're grateful.

•  Loving these photos of cities around the world on World Car-Free Day.  It feels like such connection.

•  And speaking of photos, my friend Andrea is chronicling her summer.  It's a lovely reminder that summer had good moments, despite any melancholy.

• More photos:  a 4-year project to present a new vision of beauty.  Love this.

• Stonehenge, the pyramids -- I love a structure that has some mystery around its creation.  Who knew one existed in California?

•  Years ago, my friend Jenny wrote a very funny book called Let's Pretend this Never HappenedThese two highschoolers did a skit based on the book, and it's just perfect (especially since Jenny and Victor are friends in real life, and these kids nailed them).  These young actors are just enchanting, and they will make you laugh and laugh.

•  And finally, for today's soundtrack, the latest music video from Johnnyswim, First Try.  It's just a lovely late-summer-early-fall song.  Click here or the image below to watch.


And with that, have a great weekend, friends.  See you next week.