this was a good week


This was a good week!  Here's why:

•  We closed on the house loan (building can begin!) and I made a few amazing connections this week.  It's all good.

•  Love this giant picnic that happened late last year at the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

•  The obituaries in the New York Times tend to be heavily-male, so to rectify this on International Women's Day, The New York Times has featured the life and times of some of the most influential women in history that they missed the first time around.  Amazing stories.

•  Speaking of amazing women, what kick-ass, world-changing woman are you?

•  The story of the Broccoli Tree.

•  I love clever graffiti.

•  And finally, for today's soundtrack ... well, I don't know the song.  But I found this video of an artist who paints giant murals of weeds -- Mona Caron paints them as symbols of "resilience and resistance."  The stop-motion video with its accompanying music is mesmerizing, and so I share it here.  Click here or the image below to watch.


Have a great weekend, friends.