this was a good week


This was a good week! Here’s why:

• It’s my sister’s birthday today (Happy Birthday, Natalie!), and (I hate to say this given the misery poor Europe endured this week, but) this week was uncommonly cool for Houston (highs in the 80s! Instead of the 100s!), which is good because Alex has been gone all week helping rebuild homes affected by Hurricane Harvey. Also, she’s back tomorrow — woohoo!

This surgeon has brought sight back to 130,000 of Nepal’s poor blind. Beautiful story.

• Stumbled across this lovely photo project — celebrity photographer Andrew H. Walker took portraits of celebrities at the 2016 Toronto Film Festival, and asked them to pose for two shots: one which depicts their public persona, and the second depicting who they are in private. So interesting.

This talented artisan knitted her own garden fence. So pretty!

This Instagram feed of a chalk graffiti artist’s work makes me so happy.

• And finally, my friend Xanthe shot 100 days of vertical video, and it’s just beautiful. Click here or the image below to see what I mean:

… which is a lovely segue (and a bit of a visual clue) to me telling you that next week, Marcus, Alex and I are off on an epic holiday. This may be the last This Was A Good Week post for a few weeks, but I’ll definitely be popping in often sharing images of our travels, so don’t worry — I won’t be far. I can’t wait to take you with us.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends. See you next week.