thoughts on rest, and announcing the fall session of path finder!


Hi! How've you been?

I've been trying to remember the last time I took 7 days off from blogging on Chookooloonks, and I honestly can't remember.  It has been years​.  Is it awful to admit that I enjoyed the time off?  The truth is that for the first 24 hours, I felt a bit strange not preparing a post, but then the next day, it felt like a load had lifted.  Instead of trying to think about something profound to blog about at 11:30 at night, I was going to sleep.  I got things done, I spent the evenings just hanging out with Marcus instead of blogging, and  -- in the interest of full disclosure -- I felt far less angry

The time away taught me that even as I continue to love what I do, even then (maybe even especially then), I need to have downtimeEven a creative life requires rest.  And I've vowed to go easier on myself going forward -- resting as I need it, when I need it.

(I suspect this is a vow we should all make for ourselves.)

Anyway, lovelies, I'm back today, and ready to ease back into Chookooloonks-ing.  Also, I'm thrilled to announce that in my rested state, I've decided to open up registration for the Fall Session of the Path Finder.  This will be the fourth time I've offered this course, and it has been so rewarding for me every time, especially since many of the people who have been through the course have shared with me how the exercises have helped them gain clarity in their own lives.  I hope you'll join meThe course begins Monday, August 27th.

Also, I'm happy to report that after a week of not using my camera, it finally called to me again this weekend.  I mentioned before that the reason I bought my new camera was because of its video capabilities; and this weekend, I decided to try it out by creating a little promo for the Path Finder.  I've never shot video before (as you'll see), so it was a bit of an experiment; nonetheless, my long-suffering daughter (God bless her for always being willing to be my go-to subject) agreed to go outside with me and shoot a bit of footage.  The following is what resulted.​*

(Incidentally, the shell-word-art at the end of the video was totally Alex's idea -- I didn't even notice what the shells spelt until she pointed it out!)​


​In the meantime, please check out Path Finder (you can read all about it here), and if you're so inclined, I'd love for you to join me.  It is being offered for US$ 75 this session (normally $95), because, to be honest, I'm not sure when I'll be offering it again. 

Registration will close on Wednesday, August 22nd, and the course begins Monday, August 27th.

I really hope you'll join me.  Click here to register!​

* Creating the video was so much fun -- and since I need to practice (obviously!), I'll likely be making a few more videos over time.  Stay tuned.​