what august looks like (and the chookooloonks mystery care package giveaway)


August is such an odd month -- it's still the summer holidays, which means that the sun doesn't set until late, there's still lots of playing and enjoying time off,  but it also means time for preparation:  back-to-school shopping, getting ready for the upcoming academic year, slowly putting our head back into the routine game.  It's as hot as it gets in Texas, but the promise of cooler weather isn't far ahead.  It's a fun month, but the air of anticipation of a new beginning starts to grow heavier.

August is like the Sunday evening of the summer holidays. 

Around here, August began with us transforming Alex's bedroom from a 5-to-9-year-old's room to a 10-to-15-year-old's room.  It was a move that was a long time coming:  I ended up with a trunkful of children's books she's outgrown to give to our local women's center, not to mention donating 5 huge bags of clothes to Goodwill (including an astonishing number of socks she hasn't worn since she was 2).  A quick coat of paint and a trip to IKEA later, and suddenly my baby was a tweenager.


I was a little choked up, I ain't gonna lie.

I will say, though, cleaning out her room inspired me to clean out my own office, and in the process  I accumulated a lovely pile of very cool stuff -- items that are actually brand new:  either because they were sent to me by PR folks, or I had purchased several for gifts, and still have one remaining.  And because I think they could use a good home, I'd like to give the entire shebang away to one lucky commenter.

So let's make this fun:  leave a comment briefly describing what August looks like where you are  -- what you're looking forward to this month, or even simply what the room looks like wherever you're reading this right now -- and I'll pick one commenter at random to win the entire mystery care package of goodies.  To make it even more intriguing, I'll let the package be a surprise -- but I'll tell you this much:  it includes music, some odds-and-ends, and a few books, including one that debuted at number 1 on the New York Times Bestseller list, and signed by the author (a few other books are signed by their respective authors as well).

I'll announce the winner by updating this post on Tuesday.   

I can't wait to read what August looks like for you.


updated, august 6, 2013

According to Random.org, the winner of the mystery care package is Adrienne, who said "August is always a transition month for me. It's the time when I try to get everything done that I had planned to do during the summer before school and work begin again - like cleaning out closets, cleaning the pantry, doing a full hard-core house cleaning, writing letters I didn't get to, reading lots for pleasure, and much more. It's a month of anticipation for what's to come with a new school year and growing child, but it's a time to remember to slow down and take it a day at a time."  Congratulations, Adrienne!  Please check you email for a message for me on next steps.


And thanks to all of you who participated -- I love how beautiful your Augusts look! 

Incidentally, in case you missed it:  if you like blogging, live music, piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, I'd love if you'd join the brilliant Fred Goodall and me at BlogaHouston this Wednesday evening.   Click here to read all about it, and register to attend here!