bonus shot: the rufus on fire

I held out from posting another puppy shot as long as I could.  Photographed in our back garden, Nikon D300, 70-200mm lens.

The day after we brought Rufus home, I took him for his first visit to a local vet.  The good news:  the kennel cough appears to be cured.  The bad news:  he has a funky ear infection that needs tending to, and at 6.3 lbs, he's a good two or three pounds underweight.  The doctor gave us some antibiotics for his ears, and with the number of doggie treats Alex is giving him, he should be the right weight in no time.

And then some.

Speaking of Alex, Marcus was tickling her last night, and as Alex shrieked with delight, Rufus became most concerned, whimpering, and licking her face.  We tried to convince him she was fine, but he hasn't left her side since.

Which is a good thing.


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