art and friendship

Yesterday, I took a break from editing to spend time with my friend Tracey.  Tracey had flown into town to help set up the Mom 2.0 Summit Photo Exhibit, of which Shutter Sisters (which Tracey founded) is a big contributor (and I have a few photos being shown as well!).  So I picked her up at her hotel, and we drove over to the FotoFest gallery, to make sure all the images were properly hung and labeled.

Then, because we couldn't help ourselves, we took a couple of pictures.




After, we went to grab a bite to eat, and our friend Laura joined us.




It was a really, really good day.

And now, back to editing.

(See Tracey's shots of all the actual photos exhibited here.)


SongLively up yourself by Bob Marley

Karen Walrond14 Comments