nablopomo day 14 (and list #27): 5 favourite coping mechanisms

1. Tea, tea and more tea.

2.  Make my bed.  Gretchen Rubin suggests this as the minimum you should do to increase your happiness, and damned if she isn't right.

3.  Listen to playlists curated by friends on repeat.  Pay unreasonably close attention to Diana Ross' "I'm Coming Out" and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive."

4.  Journal like a fiend.

5.  People-watch at my favourite cafe.  Have migas while I do.


Big week this week, folks, with wild stuff on the schedule (not the least of which is speaking at the Texas Conference Women on Thursday -- will I see you there?).  What are some of your favourite coping mechanisms when life gets insane?

Image:  Cafe Brasil, photographed with my Olympus PEN E-PM1 camera.


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