coming back into the light

After an insane month-and-a-half of speaking engagements, travel to Africa, death of a loved one and subsequent travel to Trinidad, and then even more speaking engagements, this morning I woke up to find myself with a somewhat clear calendar, and I have a bit of breathing space.  Alleluia.  So I'm spending today getting fully centered again, and then I'll be raring to go.

But (and even though I've said this on my Facebook page already), I wanted to make sure that to mention that I've noticed many of you, of all backgrounds, taking the time to put a stake in the ground and strongly state where you stand on not just the events surrounding Charleston, but racism, bigotry and discrimination in general. And while I know your doing so may not have anything at all to do with me, I still want to thank you. I SEE YOU. And know that your taking the risk of possibly impairing your own relationships by boldly coming out and standing with your brothers and sisters of colour means more to me (and, I'm sure, them) than you can ever imagine.

I love linking arms with you, friends.  Thank you.

Onward toward the light.