dog days of summer

It's hot.  I shouldn't complain -- because to be honest, this summer in Houston has been relatively mild, the highest we've gotten so far this summer is about 97°F -- but nonetheless, it's hot.  And humid.  And the fact remains that August tends to be the month where the heat gets truly serious around here.  If it's going to hit triple digits, it's going to be this month.  And I suspect it's only a matter of time.

When it gets this hot, it's hard to find the motivation to do anything other than wilt.  And I'm discovering that this is true even in the comfort of my air-conditioned house:  I'll do anything rather than pay attention to the task at hand.  For example, yesterday, I decided to clean out my linen closet.   Who cleans out their linen closet?

(Although in my defense, it was clearly time.  I learned that somehow we have collected twenty extra pillows.  Twenty.  Also?  I found a fitted waterproof mattress cover that was still in the original packaging.  I assume I bought it for Alex many years ago, and while she certainly doesn't need a waterproof mattress cover anymore, I figure that maybe I should hang on to it for the day when Marcus or I might need it ...)

(... or maybe I should just, you know, donate it.)

I'm trying to cut myself some slack, convince myself that summer doldrums are a thing, and that this soon shall pass, and I'll be back again with focus and raring to go.

(I'm right, right?  Anyone else suffering from summer doldrums, or just me?)


Song:  Walkin' on the sun by Smash Mouth