katy, bar the door: i'm about to get crafty up in here


I so loved reading all about your Thanksgiving traditions yesterday -- thank you!  It was really heartening to learn (a) that we're not too far off when it comes to celebrating Thanksgiving properly, and (b) that we're totally well within our rights to make the holiday our own.  This is a complete relief.

This realization resulted in me getting all ambitious about creating our own traditions for Thanksgiving -- and folks, nothing good will ever come of me getting all ambitious, especially when it comes to creating crafts and traditions.  Nonetheless, I bothered my friend Ali for advice, and hightailed it to Michaels, and now I have tools.  We'll see how this plays out, shall we?  If it works, I promise to share the results. 

(If it doesn't, let us never speak of this again.)

In other news:  for those of you who have been following along with the 10 days of Thanksgiving, thank you so much!  I plan on going all the way up through Thanksgiving Eve, however, Babble has barred us for adding any posts until at least tomorrow, while they're upgrading the system behind the scenes.  I'm so sorry.  As soon as I can post again, I'll make up with back-posts, I promise.

With that, it's time for dinner.  Take-out.  I'm so tired of take-out, but our kitchen is starting to show real signs of progress.  And when it's done? I'm going to be a baking fiend.

More soon.

Song: Like a feather by Nikka Costa